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Blog: News

10 years ago

R.I.P. Gavin Clark

I just learned today about the sad and untimely death of Gavin Clark, one of the prominent vocalists of UNKLE.

Gavin Clark

“Gavin was a beautiful man, a wonderful friend and father,” said James Lavelle on Facebook. “A man of unimaginable talent, wit and spirituality, and had a voice like no other. One of the greatest and most unique artists I have had the pleasure to work with. He will be deeply missed.”

I listen to a lot of music while working on projects and I can't think of a time where I didn't hear at least one UNKLE track. Even though UNKLE hasn't kicked out a new album for a few years now, it won't quite be the same without him.

Rest in peace, Gavin Clark.

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